Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happy Groundhog Day!

Yes, it's that special time of year once again, when we pull a sleeping groundhog out of it's home and make it forecast the weather for us! Is it cloudy or sunny, did it see it's shadow (if it even knows what it's shadow is for that matter), will we be in for a shorter or longer winter?! Who cares, we still have six more weeks of winter left no matter what! The more important thing about this day is that a special someone (who me?!) was born 36 years ago! Wow, I'm old!

Alright, alright, back to writing my paper for class and enjoying my coffee, while waiting with anticipation for an amazing dinner tonight at The Claddagh Irish Pub with my good friends.


gretchen said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHUCK--there should be a picture of you up, not that dumb old groundhog!

Full of JOY said...

haha! at first i thought you put up a squirrel, and i was really confused. then i realized, it's punxatoni phil. i've been ther BTW. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!