Friday, January 16, 2009

Mental Slump

I'm not sure if it's the extremely cold weather, or the break in my internship schedule, but I am having a very hard time staying focused and on task. I still need to find an elementary school to do an internship at, but am not having luck as there aren't that many possible sites and there are a lot of us looking for them. So I have three days a week that are now open. I should be using that time to finish the research for my final masters paper, and should be starting to write it soon, but I am not motivated. Maybe next week will be better for me.

Due to the cold weather, I am also having a problem with my kitchen sink, as the pipes are frozen. I've had a space heater on them for the last 24 hours, but they are still not warm enough for the water to begin flowing. At least the pipes in the rest of the house are still working - I just hope I won't have to do the dishes in the bathtub!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Awesome Experience

I just had a really awesome thing happen to me at my high school internship (DeLaSalle) this morning. Today is my last day here after completing my 300 internship hours, and the choir came into the guidance office and sang a few songs in my honor. It was a very moving experience - it's nice to know I made an impact!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Sixth Picture

I was recently tagged by my friend Heidi, where I was assigned to find the sixth folder of pictures, and then the sixth picture in that folder, and to post it. I had quite a few pictures in that folder, so I've posted a handful of them. They are from my church's missions trip to Waveland, Mississippi to help rebuild after hurricane Katrina. To keep the "chain" going, I am tagging some other people and assigning them the task of posting the sixth picture in their sixth folder of photos, with some info about the pic. The tagged people are: Lisa, Eric, Abs, and Jamie. Happy posting!