Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Yesterday afternoon I sent in the first draft of my thesis to my chair for his review and suggestions. The draft was about 10 pages long. I am now going to begin writing the next draft, and will send it in once it reaches another 10 pages in length. Even though I still do not have an elementary internship lined up, I am doing my best to stay on track with my paper, and to use this time accordingly to work on it until I do get a site worked out. I thank God for the progress, and pray the paper continues to flow.


gretchen said...

It is great to see you just doing what you can do...the end is sight. Praying and believing it will come soon!!!

Marissa said...

Congratulations! I can't imagine pumping out another 10 pages, let alone the first 10... oofda! Happy Writing!

Full of JOY said...

Wow...these seems so hard! I am way impressed with your discipline!!