Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day One

Day one of my internship at DeLaSalle went really well yesterday! I have my own desk and computer (no access to it yet), and my very own name tag made by our Guidance Office student aid (I'll try to get a picture of it up soon). For the first few weeks, I will mainly be doing administrative tasks such as filing ACT/SAT test results, but after that they plan on getting me more involved in the counseling aspects, after I become more comfortable in that setting. The day really flew by and I was quite surprised to see that it was over so fast! I enjoyed talking with the other Guidance Counselors, and even getting to have some contact with some of the students.

On a rather disappointing note, my Elementary site backed out on me at the last minute. The School Counselor that I would be observing emailed me to say that because her position is partially-funded through a U of M grant, that they can only take on internship students from the U of M. So now I will have to try to locate another Elementary site - please pray that the process goes smoothly and quickly.


Dan said...

I will be praying I am glad to hear your first day went well rock on

gretchen said...

Congratulations on a great first day! Stupid Gophers messing up your elementary plans--I will pray for that to resolve soon.

Full of JOY said...

whoo hoo!! that is awesome. esp your own desk!! :)

gretchen said...

Look at that awesome name tag--that is so cool!