Monday, December 1, 2008


Well, I survived the Thanksgiving holiday! I spent Wednesday through Sunday in southeast Wisconsin at my uncle Dan's (a view of the Wisconsin countryside at left). We were joined by my aunt and uncle, Gale and Susan (they are the parents of my recently departed cousin, Monty). My uncle's girlfriend Jane was able to join us for the turkey feast, too. My uncle is not much of a cook, so he ordered a turkey from a local bakery, along with the stuffing and cranberry sauce. He and I managed to peel, slice, and mash the potatoes all by ourselves! My aunt brought us homemade pumpkin and pecan pies - her baking reminded me of my Mom's, as it was wonderful!

As some of you know, my uncle and I have a strange relationship. I used to spend at least one long weekend a year with him, going back to when I was about 15. I can still clearly remember (somewhat clearly) the first time he and I went to a local bar, and I was served underage as a 15 year old. This practice continued for many years, with me being his drinking buddy. After I became saved, I didn't see him as much as before, as I struggled with being around him and his lifestyle. He too didn't know what to make of my new-found religion. He is a practicing Atheist, but has at least come to accept my belief in God. I do not judge him, but try to lead by example. However, I have been known to stumble a bit when I am around him. This Thanksgiving, I managed to only partake in a few Guinness'.

We were also able to connect for an evening with my uncle's cousin Bob, who is my second-cousin. He and his wife Pat live in Alaska! They have always been known as the adventurers in our family, and hearing their stories of his small airplane was pretty exciting! I hope to visit them one day soon in Alaska. They moved there almost 30 years ago, so Bob could work on the Alaskan pipeline as a mechanic. He retired a few years ago, and has been hunting, fishing, and flying ever since!

I got back into town yesterday afternoon, after spending the morning and early afternoon in the car - with a few stops, it only took me about 5 1/2 hours to get home. Considering I get very sleepy and bored while driving by myself, I did pretty well with my ipod and some podcasts.

I hope your Turkey Day was enjoyable - any fun adventures?

A few pictures of my uncle Bob and aunt Pat in Alaska:


Full of JOY said...

I was thinking of you, and wondering what you did for Thanksgiving! I'm happy to hear your story! Your family is quite intriguing! Wow! Can't wait to hear about your upcoming Alaskan adventures!! Maybe you'll meet an Eskimo Hottie!!

Dan, Heather, and Bjorn said...

Wow Chuck, the countryside sounds marvelous! Heather and I had a good T-giving too. I BBQd the turkey, which actually worked out nicely. Even my grandpa behaved. Anyway, it was good seeing you on Sunday. You looked good and it was nice to hear about how you're doing.

gretchen said...

That sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am so glad you got to see so much family.