Sunday, November 2, 2008

What a Beautiful Day

Early morning worshiping of God, in the GC prayer room for 40 (our non-stop prayer to God from Friday night to Sunday night).
An amazing breakfast at Zumbro.
A brisk walk around Lake Harriet.
My newly-mowed and raked lawn.
Sitting in my Adirondack chair, for possibly one last time this Fall.
Enjoying a Saint Luis Rey cigar.
Watching and listening to God's creation.
Seeing a little red squirrel, a bunny rabbit, and a gray goose.
Making apple crisp for tonight's GC potluck.
Making hawaiian chicken for Dan and Heidi & Anna and Evelyn, for tomorrow night.
Relaxing and reading in my favorite recliner, in my favorite spot in my house (the porch).
Thank you God.


gretchen said...

Today is an amazing day...a great day to complete a great weekend. We ventured to Lake Nokomis this morning--made me think of you and that you were probably out on your Sunday morning walk as well.

and Apple Crisp? mmmmm...I can't wait! It doesn't get much better than this.

Dan said...

nice lawn

Marissa said...

Holy Cow! What a full Sunday. I'm sad I never got to eat your apple crisp... but I have a little tummy, and I was too full. It looked good though!

Dan, Heather, and Bjorn said...

Sounds beautiful ... especially the Hawaiian chicken ;)