Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Well, for Christmas this year I spent it in Des Moines with Jamie, Gretchen, their girls, and some of Gretchen's family at her parent's home. We arrived there on Wednesday afternoon and got back home yesterday afternoon. It was a great time! There was plenty of food, including an awesome meal of grilled steaks and twice-baked potatoes on Christmas Day. Because of all the food and snacks, I went and worked out both Friday and Saturday mornings with Jamie. I had to offset the calorie intake somehow! We also managed to get a few games in on a Wii, which Gretchen's brother-in-law Robbie had. I might just have to get me one of those someday, as the games were a blast!

I also have this entire week off from my internships sites, with the only thing that I must get done is some research for my final Masters paper for school - a 40 to 45 page paper. I will probably head to the U of M's Wilson Hall Library tomorrow to begin the research process, assuming they're open over the holiday break.

After sleeping in late this morning, I went out to breakfast at Mickey's Diner in St. Paul, followed by an amazing 100 anos at Stogies on Grand - another wonderful day! I hope you've had a nice Christmas, too!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Chuck, last night at the dinner table, I said, "I miss Chuck", and it kind of hung in the air for awhile while Eric and I missed you in silence, and then Eric said, "yeah, me too". We're SO sad that we don't get to ring in the new year with you (stupid plane fares!!) but know we'll be thinking of you, and missing our friend very much. sounds like you had a great Christmas :) And there's nothing quite like a day started at Mickey's and then a trip to stogies on grand :) ahh, we do miss mn!