Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Sixth Picture

I was recently tagged by my friend Heidi, where I was assigned to find the sixth folder of pictures, and then the sixth picture in that folder, and to post it. I had quite a few pictures in that folder, so I've posted a handful of them. They are from my church's missions trip to Waveland, Mississippi to help rebuild after hurricane Katrina. To keep the "chain" going, I am tagging some other people and assigning them the task of posting the sixth picture in their sixth folder of photos, with some info about the pic. The tagged people are: Lisa, Eric, Abs, and Jamie. Happy posting!

1 comment:

Full of JOY said...

OHMYWORD. OHMYWORD. SO many emotions are flying through my heart right now!! THANK YOU for posting these!!!! Makes me so full of joy!!