Tuesday, October 28, 2008

They're Here!

I spent this afternoon at the hospital with Dan, Heidi, Anna, and Evelyn! I have an open day in my schedule (until I get a middle school secured), so I was able to get some quality time with the girls. Gretchen and the girls, along with Marissa, stopped in as well. Be sure to check Gretchen's and Marissa's blogs later for pictures too!

Here are some pictures from the day: 1. Dan feeding Anna with a dropper; 2. Evelyn sleeping; 3. Me and Anna; 4. Daddy and Anna; 5. Evelyn and Me; 6. Heidi and Anna (I think); 7. The Sisters; 8. Heidi, Anna, and Marissa; 9. Isabelle, Marissa, Tori, and Evelyn; 10. Evelyn and Tori; 11. Anna and Gretchen; 12. Me and Anna (good picture Isabelle!):


Full of JOY said...


Rachel said...

THANK YOU for posting these! I've been checking around for news, and am so glad to see the cute new arrivals! I hope everything went well, and I'm glad to know that Heidi and Dan have such a nice friend!


Marissa said...

Anna looks like a little red head in in the picture with Gretchen. Too bad it's hard to tell if they're going to be little red-heads or blonds... the hair colors look so similar at this age.

Dan said...

Chuck you got some killer pics. I dont even remember you taking most of those. Thanks for spending the day with us.

Heidi said...

Love the pics! Sneeky pictures of me! These are definately not my beauty queen days, but I am proud of these moments none the less. :) Chuck... I'm so glad the girls will have a great role model and friend in you! Thanks for the adorable "Irish" sleepers! The sheep feet are the best!