Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Reason To Live

"Viktor Frankl discovered that strength is unleashed within us when we are convinced our lives have a purpose yet to be fulfilled. This reality is magnified when we choose a purpose beyond ourselves. When we begin to give ourselves to a cause or a purpose greater than us, it changes us; it makes us better. When we give ourselves for the good of the world, we find that doing so brings to us a world of good. We are not disconnected by the destiny we pursue."

- Erwin Raphael McManus, Soul Cravings

"It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us."

- Viktor Frankl, From Death-Camp to Existentialism

What is your purpose? What does life expect from you? What is it that you want to do with your life, for the good of others? One of my purposes is to make people feel heard, and valued. Whether they're 99 years old, 9 years old, or 9 months old, I want people to feel heard, valued, and loved.


Angela said...

Hey Chuck...

It is so weird because I was just thinking about you today and wondered what you were up to. How amazing that I stumbled upon your first blog?

This blog is so fitting for you...you have always made Cliff and I feel so loved and valued.Thank you just doesn't seem like enough, but our hearts are truly blessed by you and your friendship.

You are a friend that doesn't come along everyday. Since we have moved to Michigan, there is a void in our lives and over time we have realized what we miss is you. You are such a loyal, always up for a good time, friend.Cliff talks about you all the time!!!He misses the long talks and times of just being silly. (nobody has a giggle like you do:)

Anyway, the phrase "out of sight, out of mind" is definetly not the case for you. You are in our thoughts alot. Hope you are doing well!!!

Love you Chuck!!!


ps...when are you coming to visit???

Chuck said...

Thanks for the comment Angela! I miss you guys too.

I quit my job about 1.5 months ago because I felt God wanting me to make a bold move. Since then I've had 2nd interviews for two different jobs, but no offers yet. I'm getting a bit frustrated, and am starting to question things. At least graduate school is going well!

I would love to catch a Tigers game with Cliff and you, so you might be seeing me at your doorstep sometime soon! Please say hi to J. Clifford for me.

Jamie said...

Chuck, I'm glad to be enriched by your thoughts. Looking forward to this weekend!