Wednesday, March 21, 2007


"Throughout history, becoming a follower of Jesus has often meant being brought into a community of people who eat together, live together, share their passions and their lives. I truly believe that community is where real spiritual formation happens. Most people come to faith not by an isolated effort but through living day to day with people of faith, such as their families or friends."

- Doug Pagitt, Church Re-Imagined

For me, I came to know God through two close friends, Paul and Deneena H., who invited me into their lives when I needed them and God the most. Through alcohol and too many unhealthy relationships with women, I was searching for something that I could not find - a relationship with God. Paul and Deneena invited me into their home and into their lives (community), and helped lead me to Christ. They also helped me grow in my relationship with God (once I finally found Him).

Two other important people in my life are Cliff and Angela J. Cliff helped me to understand that God created me as a passionate person; not only for His glory, but for being able to share my passion with others. Being a part of Cliff and Ang's community deepened my love for, and understanding of, God. They helped me to grow deeper in my faith, and to learn how to question things instead of always taking them at face value.

I am now a part of another community that wants to bring the message of God to people who need to hear it (The Garden Communities). This group has helped me to see that I am designed in such a way where I want to give value and meaning to others, and for them to feel heard (eventually through the counseling profession). I don't think I would have realized this so quickly if I were on my own, without their love and involvement in my life.

To me, community is a valuable and necessary part of being a Christian. What has community done for you?

1 comment:

gretchen said...

off and running!

welcome to the blog world (sorry i have to type with no caps--i am feeding macie with my other hand)

community has allowed me to find my niche and be involved in lives even though i don't get out much. =) it has also been an amazing place for me to see other people find their niche and come to life--it is just such a mutually rewarding and rich way to live. thanks for your part in our community!