Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I recently finished my last internship, bringing to a close my total of 600 hours. I am also in the last stages of my graduate program, planning to be done by the end of June! My thesis is over 80% complete, after having sent it to my Reader for his final thoughts and edits. I am also working on my electronic portfolio, which shows I have knowledge of the state licensing requirements through my graduate papers and presentations. Finally, I will be starting the application this week for licensure as a School Counselor. I have been applying for quite a few positions for the Fall, over ten so far, but do not have a job lined up yet.

There isn't much else to report, other than having jury duty the first two weeks in June - that'll be an interesting process as I have a paralegal background and am curious to see how that goes.


gretchen said...

I am so glad this process is almost done for you. Your hard work will hopefully pay off soon with a JOB!!!

Lisa said...

jury duty! that's random :) i always kindof wanted to be called for jury duty... but i don't know if i could handle it... haha..
anyway, i was JUST asking Eric if he heard anything from you about your job search today as we were walking back to the apt after our run... he told me to read your blog :) lol
still thinking of you and praying for direction in your life and provision of a job.
much love from the beavers in nc :)

Heidi said...

I didn't realize you had to "apply" for a license! Crazy! Agree with others... praying for a great job for you, hopefully in an elementary with little kidos! :)